Today we’re announcing a new Wordsmith feature that makes automating polished stories from your data even faster. Plus, we’ve open-sourced code libraries to make it easier for developers to connect Wordsmith with your data and content systems via our API.If you’re not yet a Wordsmith user, you can request a demo now. There’s never been a better time to start automating your business content.
Need to Change Your Content? Fix It Fast
After you’ve created a template and are reviewing your content in the Test tab, you may find things you’d like to change. You could find a typo or a spacing issue, or it could be that a branch or synonym needs to be rephrased.
The days of going back to the Write tab and hunting for the source of your issue are over. Instead, just click the issue that you want to fix from right in the Test tab, and Wordsmith will take to you to the corresponding section of your template, no matter how deeply nested it may be.
For example, just highlight a word in the Test view . . .
. . . and go right to the corresponding branch:
Make your edit, click the Test tab again, and your newly updated content is ready for further review.
API Libraries for Node.js and Ruby
This update will be welcome news for developers using our API to integrate Wordsmith with their own systems. We’ve open-sourced two new software development kits that help both Node.js and Ruby developers jump-start their use of the API. That means it’s easier than ever to send data to and from Wordsmith and fully automate your writing and publishing process.
Feel free to contribute to both libraries – they are, after all, open source!